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Prof. Dr. Natalio Garbi


Institute of Experimental Immunology (IEI)

Medical Faculty, University of Bonn University Hospital of Bonn Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25 53105 Bonn

+49 228 28711031


Natalio Garbi

Recent publications

  • Opposing roles of resident and infiltrating immune cells in the defence against Legionella longbeachae via IL-18R/IFN-γ/ROS axis in mice.

    Mucosal immunology

    Authors: Lara M Oberkircher, Victoria M Scheiding, H Linda Rafeld, Eric Hanssen, Jan N Hansen, Markus J Fleischmann, Nina Kessler, David Pitsch, Dagmar Wachten, Wolfgang Kastenmüller, Andrew S Brown, Elizabeth L Hartland, Ian R van Driel, Garrett Z Ng, Natalio Garbi

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  • Dual fluorescence reporter mice for Ccl3 transcription, translation, and intercellular communication.

    The Journal of experimental medicine

    Authors: Maria Belen Rodrigo, Anna De Min, Selina Kathleen Jorch, Cristina Martin-Higueras, Ann-Kathrin Baumgart, Beata Goldyn, Sara Becker, Natalio Garbi, Niels A Lemmermann, Christian Kurts

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  • Rapid protection against viral infections by chemokine-accelerated post-exposure vaccination.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Annkristin Heine, Niels A W Lemmermann, Chrystel Flores, Janine Becker-Gotot, Natalio Garbi, Peter Brossart, Christian Kurts

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