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PM Ludwig Covid Genetik Studie TLR7 1200px

News categories: Publication

Large genetic study on severe COVID-19

Bonn researchers confirm three other genes for increased risk in addition to the known TLR7 gene
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PM Krawitz

News categories: Publication

Genetic diagnostics of ultra-rare diseases

Large multicenter study identifies 34 new genetic diseases
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Publikation AG Wehner

News categories: Publication

New study reveals role of glial IL-1R signaling in colorectal cancer

Study published in 'Nature Communications'
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Uni Bonn

News categories: Outreach

Better understanding the activation of the immune defense

Participants needed for the clinical study on the effects of an HIV medication on the human immune system.
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PM Anna Aschenbrenner

News categories: Publication

Scientists Unravel Life-saving Effect of Dexamethasone in COVID-19

Study in “Cell”.
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WANDlabor art@immunoSensation

News categories: Outreach

Completion of the WANDlabor Art Project art@immunosensation

A unique collaboration between the University of Bonn, University Hospital Bonn, and Alanus University Alfter.
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PM Prof Franklin

News categories: Publication

New pathway in immune defense discovered

Bonn researchers decode the interaction of monocytes and platelets in human blood
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220822 art immunosensation 06

News categories: Event

The WANDlabor Project

A unique collaboration between the Alanus University and ImmunoSensation comes to its grand finale.
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Magdeburg Laborszenen 18 5 22 1080 strichcode 2048x854px

News categories: Publication

Blood Markers Detect Rare Forms of Dementia as well as the Neurological Diseases ALS and PSP

Research with data from Germany and Spain opens up new options for diagnosis.
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