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How immune cells communicate to fight viruses

News categories: Publication

How immune cells communicate to fight viruses

Bonn researchers develop new techniques to analyse the communication of immune cells in the defence against infection.
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Bonn Researchers Kidney

News categories: Publication

Navigation software supports kidney research

Bonn researchers develop method for three-dimensional image processing to solve the mystery of kidney inflammation.
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Mitsutoshi Yoneyama, Takashi Fujita and Hiroki Kato

News categories: Publication

20 years RIG-I

An intriguing review reflecting on the development in the RIG-I research published in 'Immunity'.
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Christina Weisheit

News categories: Honors & Funding

Finding novel therapies for aortic valve diseases

The DFG funds the project of Christina Weisheit and collaborators with 600,000 euros.
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Prof. Hartmann interviewed by Dr. Barbara Kreppel for 'Angewandte Nuklearmedizin'

News categories: Publication

Immunology and Nuclear Medicine

Prof. Gunther Hartmann was interviewed for the magazine “Angewandte Nuklearmedizin” and answered questions about immunology and nuclear medicine.
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GTH Preis

News categories: Honors & Funding

The Becker-Gotot group is awarded at the GTH 2024 in Vienna

Janine Becker-Gotot and Amina Abdelmageed receive awards for their intriguing studies at the GTH 2024 in Vienna.
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Dirk Baumjohann

News categories: Publication

New findings on the immune system

Bonn researchers decipher an underlying mechanism for the development of T follicular helper cells.
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Domnica Luca AG Kato

News categories: Publication

Kato group publishes article in Science Advances

Dysregulation of regulatory T cell homeostasis by ADAR1 deficiency and chronic MDA5 signaling
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Bartok & Günther

News categories: Publication

False alarm of the immune system during muscle disease

Researchers at the University Hospitals of Dresden and Bonn of the DFG Transregio 237 and from the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 at the University of Bonn have made progress clarifying why patients with myotonic dystrophy 2 have a higher tendency to develop autoimmune diseases. Their goal is to understand the development of the disease, and their research has provided new, potential therapeutic targets. The results of the study have now been published in the renowned journal "Nature Communications".
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