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Students in the Lab

News categories: Outreach

Open Schooling Project MULTIPLIERS

As part of the Bonn Open Science Community (OSC), ImmunoSensation participates in the pan-european open schooling project MULTIPLIERS. Together with partners from the University of Bonn, local schools, museums, NGOs and industry, the OSC steps up to strengthen science education and scientific thinking. The Horizon 2020 project promotes open schooling, a new way to learn that makes science more meaningful and directly relevant to everyday life & realworld challenges. In December 2022 the project finally took the step into the classroom: Damien Bertheloot from the Institute of Innate Immunity gave a first teaching unit to students from the Liebfrauenschule Bonn.

The first round of MULTIPLIERS is on vaccination, with a focus on on the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which has a high relevance for teenagers.
The goal of MULTIPLIERS is to help students understand the relevance of science to everyday life and to strengthen their ability to make factbased decisions.

In January 2023 ImmunoSensation2 invited students of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium Bonn to visit
scientists in their labs at the German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), the Life & Medical Sciences Institute (LIMES) and the Institute of Innate Immunity (III). The students
were shown, how to distinguish virus strains using PCR and how to transfect cells with DNA-plasmids.
The event was accompanied by lectures on immunological topics arround vaccination and a visit at the Center for Life Ethics.

MULTIPLIERS open schooling: Students vistiting laboratories at ImmunoSensation in January 2023

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