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Review on new antiviral strategy now online

The review publication of Yuta Tsukamoto et al. is now available in the current issue of Cell Chemical Biology. Based on his latest Science paper, Yuta Tsukamoto now highlights the importance and potential of “Targeting cap1 RNA methyltransferases as an antiviral strategy”. He and his co-authors outline the game-changing options in the treatment of viral infections.


Tsukamoto Y, Igarashi M, Kato H.
Targeting cap1 RNA methyltransferases as an antiviral strategy.
Cell Chem Biol. 2023 Dec 5:S2451-9456(23)00426-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2023.11.011.
Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38091983.

Graphical abstract for Tsukamoto et al., Targeting cap1 RNA methyltransferases as an antiviral strategy, Cell Chemical Biology (2023)
Graphical abstract for Tsukamoto et al., Targeting cap1 RNA methyltransferases as an antiviral strategy, Cell Chemical Biology (2023),
©2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under the CC BY license (

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