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Prof. Dr. Marc Hübner


Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology

+49 228 28719177


My lab focuses on different aspects of helminth (worm) infections: 1) Protective immune responses against filariae and especially the protective role of eosinophils and the contribution of extracellular DNA traps (ETosis), 2) Filarial immunomodulation and its beneficial impact on life-style diseases such as diet-induced insulin resistance, 3) Preclinical testing of drug candidates for filariasis in order to identify novel macrofilaricidal drugs in collaboration with partners from industry and not-for-profit-organizations. For these investigations we use the Litomosoides sigmodontis rodent model and perform human studies with filariasis patients in sub-Saharan Africa.

Recent publications

  • Mesoporous Silica as an Alternative Vehicle to Overcome Solubility Limitations.


    Authors: Tim Becker, Jan Heitkötter, Anna K Krome, Andrea Schiefer, Kenneth Pfarr, Alexandra Ehrens, Miriam Grosse, Birthe Sandargo, Ingo Stammberger, Marc Stadler, Marc P Hübner, Stefan Kehraus, Achim Hoerauf, Karl G Wagner

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  • Repeated sensitization of mice with microfilariae of Litomosoides sigmodontis induces pulmonary eosinophilia in an IL-33-dependent manner.

    PLoS pathogens

    Authors: Benjamin Lenz, Alexandra Ehrens, Jesuthas Ajendra, Frederic Risch, Joséphine Gal, Anna-Lena Neumann, Julia J Reichwald, Wiebke Strutz, Henry J McSorley, Coralie Martin, Achim Hoerauf, Marc P Hübner

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  • Intramedullary leukocytoclastic vasculitis and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation in POEMS syndrome.

    Annals of hematology

    Authors: Wiebke Aderhold, Benjamin Lenz, Marc P Hübner, Hans-Eckart Schaefer, Florian C Gaertner, Annkristin Heine, Ines Gütgemann

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