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Prof. Dr. Matthias Geyer

Member, Steering-Committee Member

Institute of Structural Biology

University Bonn, Department of Structural Immunology, Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25, D-53127 Bonn

+49 228 28751400


The Geyer lab is interested in the regulation of transcription and the molecular mechanisms that govern immune receptor activation. We use a variety of techniques from molecular biology and biochemistry to structural biology to analyze interaction between proteins, RNA, lipids, and ligands. The transcription cycle is regulated by cyclin-dependent kinases that phosphorylate the RNA polymerase II. We analyze the transition from transcription initiation to productive elongation in eukaryotic cells. We study the molecular and structural mechanisms that determine the activity and regulation of transcription-controlling kinases, as well as their inhibition by small molecular compounds. We recently also focused on the analysis of receptor activation of NLRP3 and forma-tion of the NLRP3/ASC/caspase inflammasome. Besides NACHT-domain containing proteins, Toll-like receptors, RIG-I and the cGAS-STING pathway mediate the immune-recogni-tion of pathogens. We aim at identifying target sites in these immune regulators that allow for the specific interference with the immune system, e.g., by small molecular compounds.

Recent publications

  • A nonsense variant in KRT31 is associated with autosomal-dominant monilethrix.

    The British journal of dermatology

    Authors: Xing Xiong, Nicole Cesarato, Yasmina Gossmann, Maria Wehner, Sheetal Kumar, Holger Thiele, Stephanie Demuth, Vinzenz Oji, Matthias Geyer, Henning Hamm, F Buket Basmanav, Regina C Betz

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  • Functional diversity of NLRP3 gain-of-function mutants associated with CAPS autoinflammation.

    The Journal of experimental medicine

    Authors: Camille Cosson, Romane Riou, Danish Patoli, Tingting Niu, Amaury Rey, Marine Groslambert, Charlotte De Rosny, Elodie Chatre, Omran Allatif, Thomas Henry, Fabienne Venet, Florian Milhavet, Guilaine Boursier, Alexandre Belot, Yvan Jamilloux, Etienne Merlin, Agnès Duquesne, Gilles Grateau, Léa Savey, Alexandre Thibault Jacques Maria, Anne Pagnier, Solène Poutrel, Olivier Lambotte, Coralie Mallebranche, Samuel Ardois, Olivier Richer, Irène Lemelle, Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, Brigitte Bader-Meunier, Zahir Amoura, Isabelle Melki, Laurence Cuisset, Isabelle Touitou, Matthias Geyer, Sophie Georgin-Lavialle, Bénédicte F Py

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  • Bi-allelic variants in CELSR3 are implicated in central nervous system and urinary tract anomalies.

    NPJ genomic medicine

    Authors: Jil D Stegmann, Jeshurun C Kalanithy, Gabriel C Dworschak, Nina Ishorst, Enrico Mingardo, Filipa M Lopes, Yee Mang Ho, Phillip Grote, Tobias T Lindenberg, Öznur Yilmaz, Khadija Channab, Steve Seltzsam, Shirlee Shril, Friedhelm Hildebrandt, Felix Boschann, André Heinen, Angad Jolly, Katherine Myers, Kim McBride, Mir Reza Bekheirnia, Nasim Bekheirnia, Marcello Scala, Manuela Morleo, Vincenzo Nigro, Annalaura Torella, Michele Pinelli, Valeria Capra, Andrea Accogli, Silvia Maitz, Alice Spano, Rory J Olson, Eric W Klee, Brendan C Lanpher, Se Song Jang, Jong-Hee Chae, Philipp Steinbauer, Dietmar Rieder, Andreas R Janecke, Julia Vodopiutz, Ida Vogel, Jenny Blechingberg, Jennifer L Cohen, Kacie Riley, Victoria Klee, Laurence E Walsh, Matthias Begemann, Miriam Elbracht, Thomas Eggermann, Arzu Stoppe, Kyra Stuurman, Marjon van Slegtenhorst, Tahsin Stefan Barakat, Maureen S Mulhern, Tristan T Sands, Cheryl Cytrynbaum, Rosanna Weksberg, Federica Isidori, Tommaso Pippucci, Giulia Severi, Francesca Montanari, Michael C Kruer, Somayeh Bakhtiari, Hossein Darvish, Heiko Reutter, Gregor Hagelueken, Matthias Geyer, Adrian S Woolf, Jennifer E Posey, James R Lupski, Benjamin Odermatt, Alina C Hilger

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