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Immune memory characteristics of innate lymphoid cells

Immune memory characteristics of innate lymphoid cells -A Review

Immunological memory is an evolutionally acquired trait that allows a more robust response of an organism to re-infection. Two types of immune memory have been characterized: adaptive immune memory that is antigen-specific and is generated by adaptive immune cells, and trained immunity that is unspecific and developed by innate immune cells such as macrophages. This clear dichotomy fades when it comes to the immune cell compartment that shares characteristics of both: innate and adaptive immunity such as natural killer cells, innate lymphoid cells or gd T cells. In this review we describe what has been revealed so far about memory characteristics of innate-like immune cells that bridge the two types of immune response. We try to answer a still intriguing question: what kind of immune memory do innate-like cells develop?



Prof. Mihai Netea

LIMES Institute

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