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News categories: Honors & Funding

The Becker-Gotot group is awarded at the GTH 2024 in Vienna

Janine Becker-Gotot and Amina Abdelmageed receive awards for their intriguing studies at the GTH 2024 in Vienna

This year marked the 68th scientific meeting of the “Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung” (GTH) in Vienna, Austria with hundreds of guests from all over Europe. Amongst numerous compelling scientific presentations Dr. Janine Becker-Gotot from the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology at the University Hospital Bonn stood out and secured the career development award for her groundbreaking work titled “Immune tolerance against infused FVIII in hemophilia A is mediated by PD-L1+ Tregs” that was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The study uncovering a novel mechanism of peripheral antigen-specific B cell tolerance with potential applications as a biomarker received recognition for its translational impact.

In addition, the PhD student from the Becker-Gotot group Amina Adbelmageed received a poster award for her intriguing poster titled “Staphylococcus aureus infection restimulates inhibitor production in tolerized hemophilia A mice”. The study unravels the molecular mechanism responsible for the breakdown of tolerance during Immune Tolerance Therapy (ITI). This aspect, constituting an unresolved clinical challenge, compromises the effectiveness of the treatment.

GTH Preis
Amina Abdelmageed receiving a poster award at the GTH 2024 in Vienna
© Janine Becker-Gotot


Janine Becker-Gotot, et al. (2022)

Immune tolerance against infused FVIII in hemophilia A is mediated by PD-L1+ Tregs

The Journal of Clinical Investigation

DOI: 10.1172/JCI159925


Dr. Janine Becker-Gotot

Institute of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology

University Hospital Bonn


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