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Opening BMZII

The "Biomedical Center II" on the Venusberg campus in Bonn is ready! The new building for excellent biomedical research, which began in 2017, has now been inaugurated with an event in hybrid format.

Economics and Innovation Minister Prof. Pinkwart said in his keynote address: "The inauguration of the modern biomedical campus with digital technology is a milestone that will be both recognition and incentive for the Bonn University Hospital. The campus is an expression of the previous success and opens - physically and as an innovation environment - new spaces for excellent research."

Rector Prof. Hoch emphasized: "In the global competition for the best minds, we need optimal and future-oriented infrastructures for our excellent science. On behalf of the University of Bonn, I would like to thank the state government very much for their great support in the new building of the BMZ II, which will enable our medical faculty and the university clinic to continue doing research and teaching at the highest level."

The users of BMZ II are primarily 150 employees from three institutes from the ImmunoSensation2 excellence cluster at the University of Bonn under the leadership of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize winners, Prof. Christian Kurts, Institute for Experimental Immunology, Prof. Gunter Hartmann, Institute for Clinical chemistry and clinical pharmacology, and Prof. Eicke Latz, Institute for Innate Immunology.

Prof. Bernd Weber, Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn, explained: "As one of six clusters of excellence, the ImmunoSensation2 association, which has existed since 2012, received funding approval for a further funding period in 2018. As part of the future concept of the University of Bonn, six transdisciplinary research areas were set up, including the area "Life and Health", in which researchers from various disciplines work on overarching issues. "

The concept of the BMZ II is that different users share technical equipment for their scientific work and support each other in so-called core facilities. This collaboration is also promoted by large-scale laboratories, all of which are approved for genetic engineering work. Zones for informal meetings of researchers outside the laboratory areas are also a characteristic of the new BMZ II. The building has four full floors with conference and seminar rooms on almost 9,000 square meters of floor space. The usable area of ​​5,000 square meters is supplemented by 4,000 square meters of laboratory space and 1,000 square meters of office space.

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