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  • Disruption of Structural Disulfides of Coagulation FXIII-B Subunit; Functional Implications for a Rare Bleeding Disorder.

    International journal of molecular sciences

    Authors: Sneha Singh, Mohammad Suhail Akhter, Johannes Dodt, Amit Sharma, Senthilvelrajan Kaniyappan, Hamideh Yadegari, Vytautas Ivaskevicius, Johannes Oldenburg, Arijit Biswas

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  • Significance Tests for Boosted Location and Scale Models with Linear Base-Learners.

    The international journal of biostatistics

    Authors: Tobias Hepp, Matthias Schmid, Andreas Mayr

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  • Oligomeric S100A4 Is Associated With Monocyte Innate Immune Memory and Bypass of Tolerance to Subsequent Stimulation With Lipopolysaccharides.

    Frontiers in immunology

    Authors: Michel Neidhart, Agnieszka Pajak, Katerina Laskari, Niels P Riksen, Leo A B Joosten, Mihai G Netea, Esther Lutgens, Eric S G Stroes, Adrian Ciurea, Oliver Distler, Mariam Grigorian, Emmanuel Karouzakis

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  • CDK12 loss in cancer cells affects DNA damage response genes through premature cleavage and polyadenylation.

    Nature communications

    Authors: Malgorzata Krajewska, Ruben Dries, Andrew V Grassetti, Sofia Dust, Yang Gao, Hao Huang, Bandana Sharma, Daniel S Day, Nicholas Kwiatkowski, Monica Pomaville, Oliver Dodd, Edmond Chipumuro, Tinghu Zhang, Arno L Greenleaf, Guo-Cheng Yuan, Nathanael S Gray, Richard A Young, Matthias Geyer, Scott A Gerber, Rani E George

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  • HIF1A and NFAT5 coordinate Na-boosted antibacterial defense via enhanced autophagy and autolysosomal targeting.


    Authors: Patrick Neubert, Andrea Weichselbaum, Carmen Reitinger, Valentin Schatz, Agnes Schröder, John R Ferdinand, Michaela Simon, Anna-Lorena Bär, Christoph Brochhausen, Roman G Gerlach, Stefan Tomiuk, Karin Hammer, Stefan Wagner, Ger van Zandbergen, Katrina J Binger, Dominik N Müller, Kento Kitada, Menna R Clatworthy, Christian Kurts, Jens Titze, Zeinab Abdullah, Jonathan Jantsch

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  • PIGT-CDG, a disorder of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor: description of 13 novel patients and expansion of the clinical characteristics.

    Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

    Authors: Allan Bayat, Alexej Knaus, Annika Wollenberg Juul, Dejan Dukic, Elena Gardella, Agnieszka Charzewska, Emma Clement, Helle Hjalgrim, Dorota Hoffman-Zacharska, Denise Horn, Rachel Horton, Jane A Hurst, Dragana Josifova, Line H G Larsen, Karine Lascelles, Ewa Obersztyn, Alistair Pagnamenta, Deb K Pal, Manuela Pendziwiat, Mina Ryten, Jenny Taylor, Julie Vogt, Yvonne Weber, Peter M Krawitz, Ingo Helbig, Usha Kini, Rikke S Møller

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  • Membrane fusogenic lysine type lipid assemblies possess enhanced NLRP3 inflammasome activation potency.

    Biochemistry and biophysics reports

    Authors: Jieyan He, Tianshu Li, Tomasz Próchnicki, Gabor Horvath, Eicke Latz, Shinji Takeoka

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  • Chronic rejection after intestinal transplantation: A systematic review of experimental models.

    Transplantation reviews (Orlando, Fla.)

    Authors: Koji Kitamura, Bettina M Buchholz, Kareem Abu-Elmagd, Joerg C Kalff, Nico Schäfer, Martin W von Websky

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  • Gut Microbial Associations to Plasma Metabolites Linked to Cardiovascular Phenotypes and Risk.

    Circulation research

    Authors: Alexander Kurilshikov, Inge C L van den Munckhof, Lianmin Chen, Marc J Bonder, Kiki Schraa, Joost H W Rutten, Niels P Riksen, Jacqueline de Graaf, Marije Oosting, Serena Sanna, Leo A B Joosten, Marinette van der Graaf, Tessa Brand, Debby P Y Koonen, Martijn van Faassen, P Eline Slagboom, Ramnik J Xavier, Folkert Kuipers, Marten H Hofker, Cisca Wijmenga, Mihai G Netea, Alexandra Zhernakova, Jingyuan Fu

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  • Update on the biology and ecology of Culicoides species in the South-West region of Cameroon with implications on the transmission of Mansonella perstans.

    Parasites & vectors

    Authors: Samuel Wanji, Dizzle Bita Tayong, Rene Ebai, Vera Opoku, Chi Anizette Kien, Winston Patrick Chounna Ndongmo, Abdel Jelil Njouendou, Raymond Nsaidzedze Ghani, Manuel Ritter, Yaw Alex Debrah, Laura E Layland, Peter A Enyong, Achim Hoerauf

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